Over the summer of 2023, I was inspired to use my newfound modelling knowledge to recreate the iconic U.S.S. Enterprise from the original Star Trek television show. During this process, I decided I wanted to not only remodel the iconic ship, but improve it into the highest quality, and most detailed, version I could make, adding more detail to the hull components, technical pieces, and even adding interior facades that shift perspective as the ship flies past.

This was the first real project in my freshman year 3D Modelling class that allowed us to freely use the skills we were taught to create something from out imagination, with the only requirement being that it had to be a robot of some kind.
I designed this robot as a peaceful gardener which had been heavily weathered from his long years fulfilling his purpose. Covered in dirt, moss, and mushrooms, with a plant growing out of a built-in pot on the top of his head.

My final project from my freshman year 3D Modelling class. I was tasked with creating a slice of a building, with modelled exterior and interior. While only one floor was expected, I created this renovated silo which features three floors.
I discovered how to use the MASH system in Maya to create the grassy field surrounding the silo, and how to use nCloth to create the pillows and blanket for the bed.

The second project in my freshman year 3D Modelling class, I was tasked with creating a character that theoretically could be rigged.
I learned how to properly model a humanoid face and body with correct topology for motion. This was also the first project where I was shown Substance Painter.